
You can find the most up to date list of my publications on My Google Scholar Profile.

Interaction Strengths Affect Whether Ecological Networks Promote the Initiation of Egalitarian Major Transitions

Published in ALIFE 2023: Ghost in the Machine: Proceedings of the 2023 Artificial Life Conference, 2023

This paper examines the role of ecological networks in the initiation of egalitarion major evolutionary transitions in a digital artificial ecology.

Recommended citation: Sydney Leither, Max Foreback, David A. Baum, Emily Dolson; July 24–28, 2023. "Interaction Strengths Affect Whether Ecological Networks Promote the Initiation of Egalitarian Major Transitions." Proceedings of the ALIFE 2023: Ghost in the Machine: Proceedings of the 2023 Artificial Life Conference. ALIFE 2023: Ghost in the Machine: Proceedings of the 2023 Artificial Life Conference. Online. (pp. 73). ASME.
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The Role of Abiotic Parameters in the Promotion of Egalitarian Major Evolutionary Transitions

Published in ALIFE 2023: Ghost in the Machine: Proceedings of the 2023 Artificial Life Conference, 2023

This paper examines the role of abiotic parameters in the initiation of egalitarion major evolutionary transitions in a digital artificial ecology.

Recommended citation: Max Foreback, Sydney Leither, David A. Baum, Emily Dolson; July 24–28, 2023. "The Role of Abiotic Parameters in the Promotion of Egalitarian Major Evolutionary Transitions." Proceedings of the ALIFE 2023: Ghost in the Machine: Proceedings of the 2023 Artificial Life Conference. ALIFE 2023: Ghost in the Machine: Proceedings of the 2023 Artificial Life Conference. Online. (pp. 78). ASME.
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Using evolutionary computation to find parameters that promote egalitarian major evolutionary transitions

Published in Proceedings of the Companion Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, 2023

Using a simple genetic algorithm to investigate adaptive processes in a digital artificial ecology.

Recommended citation: Max Foreback, Sydney Leither, and Emily Dolson. 2023. Using Evolutionary Computation to Find Parameters that Promote Egalitarian Major Evolutionary Transitions. In Proceedings of the Companion Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO 2023 Companion). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 135–138.
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